Page 19 - Memora anual Fundación CIEN 2015
P. 19


visits have been submitted to the CIEN Foundation         that lead to dementia in our environment, the Alz-
Scientific Advisory Committee and members of the          heimer's and cerebrovascular disease, interact and
Queen Sofia Foundation. In addition to presenting         result in defined progression pathways. A better un-
our preliminary results in different conferences and      derstanding of the various forms of expression of
scientific meetings during 2015 the first description of  these diseases, when presented alone or, more
the Vallecas project has been published in an inter-      commonly, in combination, will allow to approach
national scientific journal (see Section 6 of this re-    in depth their role in the origin of dementia and to
port). The project is generating great interest among     identify patient groups who require special care or
the scientific community and we look forward to           that can benefit from specific therapies.
presenting our results in national and international
conferences and publishing scientific papers of the       The research model implemented in the Alzheimer
first longitudinal analysis throughout 2016.              Center can be equally applied to other residences
                                                          and other Day centers around the Region of Madrid.
As the project progresses it is producing a number of     In fact, the Alzheimer Project model in other social
increasingly richer and more relevant information         health environments is being put into in Day Centers
about the earliest stages of cognitive impairment in      from the Associations of Relatives of Alzheimer pa-
subjects that progress to that state, as well as the      tients (AFA) in Soria, León, and other towns, in order
most suitable biomarkers (clinical, biochemical and       to incorporated subjects diagnosed with mild cog-
neuroimaging) to characterize and identify the po-        nitive impairment and mild dementia in future Foun-
pulation at increased risk of developing it.              dation projects.

In the coming months we will initiate the necessary       Moreover, a new study (the Madrid+CIEN project)
contacts so that information obtained from assess-        has been designed in collaboration with the Region
ments of the volunteers, their biological samples and     of Madrid General Directorate for the Elder and the
neuroimaging studies undertaken could integrate           European University, aimed at establishing a cohort
with other national and international cohorts, which      of hundred-year-old subjects in our Region. The pro-
significantly will increase the potential of each one     ject aims at establishing the cognitive profile of cen-
of them and the Vallecas project itself.                  tenarians who have no dementia, studying cognitive
                                                          profile progression over a period of three years and
In addition to the Vallecas project, the Alzheimer        establishing a cohort of centenarians in which would
project will continue to be an essential project for      be possible to set up studies with non-pharmacolo-
the Queen Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Center and           gical therapies.
CIEN Foundation and a growing source of informa-
tion (clinical, molecular, neuroradiological and neu-
ropathological) on mild and severe dementia
stages. This longitudinal study, initaited in 2007, aims
to monitor residents at the Queen Sofia Foundation
Alzheimer Centre and users of the Day Center.

In the coming months and years the information ga-
thered since the beginning of the project will provide
important clues on how the two main pathologies

                                                          CIEN Foundation Annual Report 2015 / 19
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